• We strive to be a place where there can be honest discussion, debate and fellowship. The rules are few so you can speak your mind. We know we are living in tough times and we hope to share answers and help with each other. Please join us.

Looking for Job


149) Looking for Job

Job 16

I could also speak as you do.

If you were in my place,

I could make persuasive speeches against you

And shake my head at you.

Instead, though, I would strength you with the words of my mouth,

And the consolation of my lips would bring


- Job could do the same if they were in his place!

- But he wouldn’t do it!

- On the contrary, he would strengthen them!

- He would bring them consolation!

- You can’t help someone by opposing him!

- If he has done something wrong, he may be told!

- But then the reconstruction comes!

- What can be done to improve his or her situation!

- If you demolish, you don’t build!

150) Looking for Job

Job 16

if I speak, my own pain is not relieved,

And if I stop speaking, how is my pain


- Job is in a trap!

-Whatever he does – speaking or not – it doesn’t change anything!

- He doesn’t find any way to feel better!

- In this case, you need to escape by going to a peaceful place where you can rest a bit!

- And you need to walk, to move, to do something!

- The best is to use one’s mind so you can think of something else!

- When it is not possible, it is really hard!

- But you don’t need people to help you go down!

151) Looking for Job

Job 16

But now he has made me weary;

He has devastated my whole household.

You also seize me, and it has become a witness,

So that my own skinniness rises up and

testifies to my face.

- Yes, Job is mentally and physically tired!

- And when both parts are tired, it is difficult to find a motivation to continue!

- But the men who have come to see him don’t understand that!

- They are not his friends!

- Do they really know what FRIENDSHIP means!

- And apparently it is not better today because of superficiality!

- Thus Job helps us to make a personal check up!

- Do we understand who we are and what we are doing?

- Do we know what our relationship to God is?

- We need a regular check to know where we are, who we are, what we are doing and about our relationship to God!

- It is a question of health, life and death!

- We can’t wait till it is too late!

152) Looking for Job

Job 16

His anger has torn me to pieces, and he harbors

animosity against me.

He grinds his teeth against me;

My adversary pierces me with his eyes.

They have opened their mouth wide against


And they have scornfully struck my cheeks;

In large numbers they gather against me.

- How lucid Job is!

- But he speaks about his devils!

- And the three individuals are his adversaries!

- And they are used by the devil!

- How insidious it is!

- And they use words like weapons to destroy him!

- Or to finish him!

- Or to get him knockout!

153) Looking for Job

Job 16

God hands me over to young boys,

And he thrusts me into the hands of the


I was untroubled, but he shattered me;

He grabbed me by the back of the neck and

crushed me;

Then he sets me up as his target.

- Yes, the devil is doing that!

- And he always tries to find the best ways to strike Job!

- He used a progression!

- And he has a lot of experience for that!

- We are like lab rats for him!

- Which means nothing!

- But he is jealous of God when people worship him!

- And he wants the maximum number of people to follow him!

154) Looking for Job

Job 16

His archers surround me;

He pierces my kidneys and feels no


He pours out my gall on the earth.

He breaks through against me with breach after


He rushes at me like a warrior.

- Yes, the devil does that!

- Yes, he has no compassion!

- Yes, he is at war against God!

- Because he is jealous of him!

- And he knows God can’t intervene!

- And he knows God is upset!

- Because Job is his faithful servant!

- And the devil enjoys what he does!

- It is the same when he plays with humanity!

- And when he does his best to take it away from God!

- It is just a game!

155) Looking for Job

Job 16

I have sewn sackcloth together to cover my


And I have buried my dignity in the dust.

My face is red from weeping,

And on my eyelids is deep shadow,

Although my hands have done no violence

And my prayer is pure.

- Yes, Job is down the pit!

- He wears a sackcloth!

- Can you imagine what it means for a man like Job and even for anyone of us?

- He has no more dignity!

- Can you imagine what it means for a man like Job and even for anyone of us?

- He is but the shadow of himself!

- His face has changed!

- But he keeps expressing his faithfulness!

- he has done no violence!

- And above all, his prayer is pure!

156) Looking for Job

Job 16

O earth, do not cover my blood!

And let there be no resting-place for my


- Job is a warrior!

- He still has a fighting spirit!

- He will keep crying out!

- He will never stop talking about his feelings!

- He will have no rest till God answers him!

- He is not someone who renounces easily!

157) Looking for Job

Job 16

Even now, my witness is in the heavens;

The one who can testify for me is in the


- Job’s only reference is God!

- No one else exists as an authority!

- And God knows that he has done nothing wrong!

- It is evidence for him!

- And he doesn’t understand why God doesn’t answer him!

- But he will keep crying out!

- He will never stop!

158) Looking for Job

Job 16

My companions ridicule me

As my eye sheds tears to God.

- Job’s mind is clear!

- He knows what the men who are with him do with him!

- He knows that they are fighting against him!

- He knows that they don’t care about him!

- He knows that they don’t do anything for him!

- They just want to please their own ears!

- They just want to prove themselves right!

159) Looking for Job

Job 16

Let someone arbitrate between a man and God,

As one would between a man and his fellow.

For the years to come are few,

And I will go away on the path of no return.

- Job knows his personal situation!

- He doesn’t see any hope!

- And he is ready for any solution!

- But whatever may happen he will keep fighting!

- He will not renounce!

160) Looking for Job

Job 17

“My spirit has been broken, my days have been


The graveyard awaits me.

Mockers surround me,

And my eye must gaze at their rebellious


- Job is done!

- It is evidence!

- He knows he won’t last like that for long!

- Moreover, people are there to accelerate the process!

- And he can’t do anything!

- He can only fight with his mouth, with his intelligence!

- He can only cry out for justice!

161) Looking for Job

Job 17

Please accept my security, and keep it with you.

Who else will shake hands with me and pledge

in my behalf?

For you have concealed discernment from their


That is why you do not exalt them.

- Everybody is against him!

- The only one who can help him is God!

- The men who speak and oppose him are far from being wise!

- They don’t know what they are talking about!

- He can’t stop fighting!

- He has no other alternative till God answers him!

- He can only save time!

162 Looking for Job

Job 17

He may offer to share with his friends,

While the eyes of his children fail.

He has made me an object of scorn among the


So that I became one in whose face they spit.

- Everyone is against him!

- Nobody cares about him!

- But it is not enough to spit in his face!

- The devil is ready to use all the means to destroy Job!

- He is ready for all extremities!

- He knows he can do anything except kill him!

- He has no humanity!

- He is evil and personalized!

- He wants humanity to be destroyed!

163) Looking for Job

Job 17

From anguish my eyes grow dim,

And all my limbs are but a shadow.

Upright people stare in amazement at this,

And the innocent one is disturbed over the


The righteous one keeps holding fast to his way,

And the one with clean hands grows


- Job is but a shadow of himself!

- Upright people won’t understand!

- Job doesn’t understand himself!

- But he keeps faithful!

- And the faithful do the same!

- Job is down but his faithfulness is up!

164) Looking for Job

Job 17

However, you may all come and resume your


For I have not found anyone wise among you.

- What a fighting spirit!

- Job is down mentally and physically!

- But he keeps fighting!

- And he tells his opponents that they are not wise!

- They can say whatever they want!

- It won’t change anything!

- Their speeches are empty talks!

- And for him, it is an obligation to tell them again and again!

- he has nothing to lose, nothing to win!

165) Looking for Job

Job 17

My days are FINISHED;

My plans, the desires of my heart, have been SHATTERED.

- We see a combative Job!

- But he has no more hope!

- But everything he has in mind has collapsed!

- Because he can’t find comfort in God’s relationship!

- Because he can’t communicate with him anymore!

- Because of the devil!

- Let no one prevent us from depriving us of our relationship with God!

- And above all, ourselves!

- We are the only ones who can help us build it up!

- And we must keep doing it whatever may happen!

166) Looking for Job

Job 17

They keep turning night into day,

Saying, “Light must be near because it is dark.”

If I wait, the Grave will become my home;

I will spread out my bed in darkness.





- Well, these four words are clear!

- I hope that you will never have these four words in tyour mind at the same time!

- Because then it is really dark inside!

- Even if everything is dark inside, we need light and it can only come from our relationship with God!




167) Looking for Job

Job 17

I will call out to the pit, “You are my father!”

To the maggot, “My mother and my sister!”

- Do you hear Job’s words?

- He can’t communicate with God!

- He doesn’t know why!

- God is the only reference he has!

- God is his only hope!

- God is his only lamp in the darkness!

- And even in the pit, he will call out saying: “You are my father!”

- Do you really understand the type of relationship Job has with God?


168) Looking for Job

Job 17

Where, then, is my hope?

It will go down to the barred gates of the


When we all descend together into the dust




- And Job will keep calling for God!

- is that a small light in the darkness of pain and sufferance?

- Or a big one?