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Robert Leighton said, “The whole world cannot compare with the cross of Christ.” Everything in history revolves around the cross, so let's learn the truth about the cross of Christ.


1.The cross in the painful death of the Lord

It's important to recall that the cross's theological significance is inextricably linked to its historical and physical reality. Each sort of cross has a unique shape, but the three most frequent types are the X, T, and t. The cross's height is also significant. The victim's feet are usually not more than one to two feet off the ground. Wild animals and scavengers in the city can consume corpses because of their height. This cross was commonly used before the birth of Christ to refer to the sun or fire, and so to the source of life.
Jesus was crucified in Judea around the first century, most likely in AD 30 or 33. The Sanhedrin, according to the canonical gospels, convicted Jesus. Arrested and convicted, then sentenced to be wounded by Pontius Pilate, and finally executed by the Romans.
Jesus was stripped of his clothes and offered vinegar mixed with tree sap or honey (possibly tree sap), to drink after saying "I am thirsty". He was then hanged between two convicted thieves and, according to the Gospel of Mark, died at the 9th hour of the day (at about 3 pm). During this time, soldiers put a sign on the top of the cross that read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", according to the Gospel of John (John 19:20), written in three languages (Hebrew, Latin, and Greek). They then divided his clothes among themselves and heavily molded his seamless robes, according to the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John also relates that, after Jesus died, a soldier (traditionally named Longinus) pierced his side with a spear to make sure he was dead, and then blood and water gushed out. from the wound. The Bible describes seven statements that Jesus made while he was on the cross, as well as a number of supernatural events that occurred.

2.The cross is at the heart of the biblical story

A Bible without a cross is a Bible without a climax, a finish, or a resolution. The cycle of sin that began in Genesis 3 had to come to a stop, and Jesus' sacrifice put an end to it. In his flesh, Jesus took on the world's sins and paid the price for all of humanity. New Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David emerged at the cross to establish new humanity, family, and kingdom. That is why Paul stated that he had resolved to know nothing but Jesus Christ and himself, rather than the incarnation, resurrection, or ascension of Jesus. nailed. Wisdom is not found outside the cross, on the cross, or beneath the cross, but only inside the cross.
The 3rd century must be stopped; Jesus' death ended the downward spiral. In the body of Jesus, he took on the sins of the world and paid the price with all of humanity. At the cross, new Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David appeared to create a new humanity, family, and kingdom. That is why Paul did not say that he decided to know nothing but the incarnation, resurrection, or ascension of Jesus, but to know nothing but Jesus Christ and himself. nailed. Wisdom is not found outside the cross, not on the cross, not under the cross, but in the cross.

3.The Cross conquers sin and death

The cross cancels the record of debt against humanity. On the cross, Jesus bore our sins in His body so that we could die for sin and death. The curse of sin and death was placed on Jesus so that we could receive the blessings of Abraham. Here the cross and resurrection are understood as a single fact, for it is through the death and resurrection of Christ that death is swallowed up in victory. On the cross, Jesus bore our sins in His body, so that we could die for sin and death. The curse of sin and death was placed on Jesus so that we could receive the blessings of Abraham. Here the cross and resurrection are understood as a single fact, for it is through the death and resurrection of Christ that death is swallowed up in victory.

What does “The 3rd century must be stopped” mean?