• We strive to be a place where there can be honest discussion, debate and fellowship. The rules are few so you can speak your mind. We know we are living in tough times and we hope to share answers and help with each other. Please join us.

Sign of alien life?

Any reasonably intelligent alien would stay clear of this place. We don't treat visitors well at all.

Can you imagine looking down at all the petty wars, all the destruction that we all embrace?

Since God is the author of it all, what would constitute an alien? There are angels and demons that have interaction with us.
Great points, Willy.

Anyone who has studied 'aliens' knows there are too many things that cannot be dismissed as imagination.

Coupled with some things in the Bible I do believe demons hacw appeared as aliens, gods, etc over time.
They desperately want to disprove creation and want to replace it with evolution.

This is science? If evolution wasn't the preconceived notion then just exactly what is the point of this prejudiced experiment?

Cadaver Experiment Suggests Human Hands Evolved for Fighting

"I think a lot of the criticisms we get come from a fear that any evidence of aggressive behavior having been important in our evolution somehow provides a kind of justification for bad behavior," Carrier said. "Rather than justifying aggression, an improved understanding of who we are, of human nature, should help us prevent violence of all kinds in the future."

If evolution is true then understanding who we are is pointless. Humanity is pointless. The universe is meaningless and we are accidents from and accident.
So there is no point to preventing violence if evolution is true since its part of the meaningless evolutionary process.

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?

As fallen humans we will support anything to find a way to exercise our will and if that means supporting a bad theory then we (like sheep) will flock to it. Scripture rightly defines us as sheep. We are followers, whether of fashion or of what we were taught in school, etc. As sheep we are warned by God to be careful who we follow.

Sheep flock to evolution because evolution does not require God.

Without God there are no rules except the ones we make up and we change them to suit our whims.

Without God there are no consequences for our actions except the consequences we ourselves appoint.

However ...

There is a God and there are eternal consequences for sin.

We demand justice when somebody sins against us. How can we escape when we know we have done some of those same things to others and to God?
