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Jennifer Rogers

New Member
“Be intimate with God and build peace,
you will find happiness again” (G 22:21).

God created man to make man happy. But what is happiness? Is that the happiness that people dream and passionately seek and conquer? Can that happiness be formed according to human plans and ways? Is that happiness complete, sustainable, and permanent? We need to first understand the general concept of happiness, and then define the steps to gradually culminate in Christian happiness.

1. The concept of happiness
There are many different conceptions of happiness in life. In general, people consider happiness as something external that they must have, such as money, fame, health, beauty, position, prestige, power, success, satisfaction of desires, .v.v. Each person in his or her own perspective, depending on the essential needs of physical and spiritual, forms a concept of happiness. But if so, then happiness is something subjective, one-sided, temporary, and must be chased, searched, never given, and given to the end. Such happiness is synonymous with possession, the more possession, the greater the happiness, the greater the occupation, the more happiness. Practical experience shows that this is not the case, but on the contrary, the more possessions, the more miserable the mind; The larger the occupation, the more miserable. The means should not be confused with the end: "Knife and fork do not make one's appetite" (De Curvy).

There are unnecessary means, one way or another. Happiness is not something outside that we need to have, but sometimes it is something that we do not have, and do not need to have. Happiness does not depend on what we have, nor does it depend on what we have. It is impossible to discuss happiness in terms of yes or no, yes or no. It lies on another level of human life, in the human soul itself.
2. Happiness is in everyone's heart

True happiness is inherent in each of us. It is the innocent state of children, to whom the Kingdom of Heaven belongs until they are overpowered and poisoned by the evil and negative influences of society and culture. So happiness is not something we get, but it's already there. It's just lost, buried, or lost:

We do not experience happiness all the time because we are wrong and confused in our minds and in our character, depriving us of happiness.

We don't feel happiness spreading because we still bury happiness under many layers of desire, lust, greed, illusion, pride, arrogance...

The cause of wrongdoing and creating stupid classes is that we want to identify ourselves with the concepts, titles, names, professions, titles, and positions... that are assigned to people. , with respectful and sometimes haughty words, not only in the forms of cultural and social activities but also in the traditions of religions. We are indoctrinated by those words and notions, and see it as essential to what makes us who we are, or what makes us human.

Such errors cause blindness, create a false state of security, and lull oneself to temporary possessions, which society regards as an identity, or a trendy ideology. It is necessary to wake up to recognize yourself in all that turmoil and chaos. It is necessary to shake off illusions to get out of the "maze of battle", to find happiness that is hidden; as well as breaking through all layers of dense layers of prestige and titles that people ascribe to, from which to arouse the source of happiness that is buried under the mud of low desires. It's not easy to break down those barriers to happiness because we've been impregnated with those patterns in everyday life. R. Tagore himself said the same:

“Obstacles in me often persist, but when I try to break them, I feel a pain in my heart. I only want to be freed, but I am ashamed to wait and wait... Surrounded by a shroud of dust and death; I hate it so much, but I still love and embrace it..."

Aware of the contradictions in his heart, R. Tagore offered a prayer:

“God, this is my prayer: destroy in my heart every sea of triviality. Give me the unflinching strength to bear all sorrows and joys. Please give me the courage to carry the love of life. Give me the tenacious strength to never despise the poor or bow down to arrogance and authority. Give me the enduring strength to lift my soul from everyday petty things. And give me the overflowing strength to give myself lovingly to His will.”

God is the source of joy for all souls, the destination and source of happiness within us. It is He who loves us so much and gives us the strength to break through all layers of confusion
n soul, to brighten up the source of happiness for my life, which is Himself. It is only when we know how to kneel before God with an intensely longing heart, with faith to a vital degree, that the soul begins to transform and light up. With God, all things are possible. Therefore, the happiest person in the world is the one who believes that he is loved by God.

3. Happiness is a state of mind

From the above definitions, it is true that: “Happiness is a state of mind, arising from this simple determination: it is possible to be happy in any situation. Happiness does not lie in changing things, or outer achievements. It is pure gold buried in the mud of low lust. When we know that nothing external like disappointment, failure, misunderstanding... can overwhelm us, we have found true happiness”.[1]

Just like above, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus gave us a sense of happiness as follows:

“True happiness is in the soul of every person, and people can always enjoy it, in the splendor of the royal palace, or in the darkness of prison.”

Strangely, great ideas often come together. In Buddhism, there is also a saying: "Confronting the scene without mind and meditation". The purpose of meditation is to bring about deep peace of mind, but that is no longer necessary when all the circumstances of life no longer disturb and disturb the soul. A soul that is at ease in the midst of ups and downs and changes, so that nothing and no one can manipulate, control or direct its honest and pure feelings. It is a soul filled with happiness at all times, for it is at peace and steady in all things.

Happiness is a state of mind, so happiness is also a choice: a choice to live in love, harmony, openness, and comfort with oneself and others, unhindered by one's attitude or gaze. others. Everyone has their own opinion and assessment. It is important to live happily that we know how to choose a right attitude, an honest look, coming from our own heart amidst the chaos and complexity of the human heart, to beautify life from the heart. his friendly presence. Happiness is not above everyone, but in a peaceful heart, close to everyone. It is impossible to avoid people who do not accept us, but the basic condition for happiness is knowing how to accept them, without judging, without rating.

This may seem difficult, but remember that happiness is a choice, and choice requires self-denial: “The secret of human happiness does not lie in finding oneself. , but in self-denial" (Theodore Reik). Progression in the spiritual life is an effective means of igniting happiness. It requires constant cultivation and self-correction, not just wanting. The easy living policies are just a joke. Where can you get fake money to buy real things? Happiness is a noble thing that comes from the heart, so it also requires a noble character in all human actions.

4. Happy Christian life

Jesus' first sermon (Mt 5:3-12) offered a Christian plan of happiness. In opening his message with the Beatitudes, Jesus does not want to outline a path to happiness, a path that must be followed, but He promises a gift that only He can give. He did not tell us to seek happiness or wait for it. It is only happiness according to our dreams and calculations, it has nothing to do with true happiness. This happiness is the life God gives to humans, but people need to live actively to receive it.

The text of Saint Matthew mentioned above nine times highlights the word "blessed". Jesus' message wants to focus on "true happiness": happiness in the religious sense, that is, happiness that places man in an authentic relationship with God, and therefore with the whole of reality. All beatitudes have the goal of being intimate with God. Only he has complete, lasting happiness. Man is only happy when he is attached to the Source, to the One who has been, is and will give him everything. After all, a happy person is one who is open, open to God and open to others.

Everyone desires happiness. Jesus came to satisfy that longing for happiness that is tormenting the human heart. He tells us who is truly happy on earth. It is not someone who is rich, famous, powerful, famous, or genius, but someone who is poor in spirit, humble, upright, compassionate, peace-builder, and persecuted for his faith. .. He can say those things because he brings that happiness because he himself is the joy and happiness of God.

That is why the Beatitudes are all about one thing: blessed are those who become like Jesus. For if Jesus proclaimed the Beatitudes, then He lived them first in His life: no one renounces himself, understands human misery, is generous with mercy, does the will of heaven with all his heart. , straightforward and simple, meek and humble, peace builder and enduring persecution with Him. Thus, He was able to say at the end of his life: "Father, may my joy be filled with them, that their joy may be complete" (Jn 17:13).

Really, only Jesus knows what happiness is; Only He can give happiness because happiness is a gift from God.

[1] J. Donald Water, Affirmation for self-healing, Crystal Clarity, 1994, p. 11.