• We strive to be a place where there can be honest discussion, debate and fellowship. The rules are few so you can speak your mind. We know we are living in tough times and we hope to share answers and help with each other. Please join us.

Life and prayer.


Advanced Poster
Hi , everyone. Its been awhile since I posted. I will give an update on life , which I have to say has been difficult.
I posted years ago on when I was infected with lyme. Well I still am and Im getting worse as this infection has invaded every organ of my body including my brain. I wont get into details , but its unbearable at times and the suffering is something difficult to put into words. Its a controversial infection, with most doctors uneducated or unwilling to treat. Ifyou want to know more you need only google chronic lyme and it wont be long until you discover its war going on between CDC / IDSA and ILADS and sufferers.

Anyway, due to my illness I have been unable to work for the past 4 yrs and unable to recieve CPP disability. I never thought I would ever be someone applying for it , but I basically have no chance of getting it. Long story that Im to tired to expalin.

Our business is failing , simply , the market has changed , and we are in danger of losing our home. The stress of it all , and the long term illness crashed my adrenals to the point of needing hydrocortisone. Why am I telling you all this? Well! Because I y need your prayers. I am getting so bitter against The Lord , I dont mean to or even want to , but Im finding it very difficult to trust. Its like Im double minded , unstable in all my ways. I thought my faith was rock solid , and that I could never be moved , but Im so worn down , each day is difficult.

I love the Lord , but then Im angry with him . Yes I have had every argument with myself and with the Lord. Please dont tell me about how much he suffered for me! I know all that, I just need encouragement and prayer. Thanks all.