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About people who NEVER heard the gospel


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do you not agree that the core theme of God's message spoken through the prophets was to correct the perversion turning away from the truth and rightness

in other words, those who had heard the Law of God and even the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, they still had the tendency and propensity to go astray and wandering off the original path. Isn't this what seems most important throughout the message of the entire Bible. ?

The punishment and condemnation to those who know nothing about God's laws, this is not something we see anywhere in the Bible. The Hebrews themselves were not at war with their neighboring enemies because these neighbors were sinners or disobedient to God but because they were seeking to exterminate and completely destroy the Hebrew population.

How can a just and Holy God condemn someone who is innocently committing sin and maybe living immorally or doing something wrong but are not aware that they are doing wrong. - This is where the law of conscience comes into existence, would you agree ...... that God will judge those who have never the Gospel by " the law of conscience " meaning = if they know they are hurting the innocent and doing things to gravely harm others around them and continue onward even when they have a choice and a conscience to stop - then they would fall into are condemned ?
